Я большой поклонник Осаму Тэдзука и аниме в целом. Sapphire Салют рекомендовали мне эту группу, и я надеюсь, что мне это нравится здесь. Извините, если это читает странное. Я не говорю на русском, и я использую переводчика ^ ^;

06.09.2012 в 09:53

Dragonrider1227, Hello! It's nice to meet you here!
06.09.2012 в 10:25

Thank You ^^ It's good to meet you too
06.09.2012 в 12:53

Ничего абсолютного не бывает. По крайней мере, в нашем физическом мире.
That all right. Nice to meet you. :friend:
It`s seems to me, I know you. :)
'Sapphire Салют' is our common friend isn`t it? ;)
06.09.2012 в 15:57

Dragonrider1227, welcome.
and IMO don't bother with the google translate, most people here know English pretty well + google fails to translate rights sometimes.
06.09.2012 в 16:56

Hello! I remember you from dA and Astro Boy forums. I'm the guy writing the long-winded "Art of the impossible".
07.09.2012 в 04:52

I'm so glad you all like me ^____^
07.09.2012 в 06:30

My absolute favorite Tezuka characters are Atom (Called Astro Boy in my country) Princess Sapphire, Black Jack, and Shunsaku Ban
07.09.2012 в 09:43

Nice to meet a fellow Tezuka fan! :) Sapphire is one of my favorite Tezuka characters, too. I'm still somewhat new to Astro Boy, though I do like it quite a bit. Speaking of that, have you seen Jetter Mars, by any chance? It's basically a remake of Astro Boy with different characters... I watched it when I was a kid and loved it.
08.09.2012 в 00:13

I know of Jetter Mars. Haven't seen much of it but it's pretty cute. I have some Astro Boy figures that I love taking pictures of XD

08.09.2012 в 06:37

Dragonrider1227, haha, wow, that's great. :D His pose looks so natural!
08.09.2012 в 10:33

Ничего абсолютного не бывает. По крайней мере, в нашем физическом мире.
wwooww... very nice :)
09.09.2012 в 04:47

Thank You ^^
09.09.2012 в 10:51

This Atom so pretty! His smile beautiful ^_^
13.09.2012 в 22:40

Is this anime??
Fresh blood for the blood god! I mean, whoa, it is really nice to see new members! ^_^

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